Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Effects of Social Issues

The Effects of Social IssuesSocial issues can be defined as subjects concerning the public good. They are the 'welfare of others'the common good'. It is important to understand that these issues can have a direct effect on a person's personal well-being.There are many different types of social issues and while each has a common base of social causes, they may differ from case to case. An example of this is the gay rights debate. However, some social issues are widely accepted and have far reaching implications.One of the most famous examples of a social issue is the war in Vietnam. Though the United States military did not start the war, it was the object of most criticism. The entire nation grew up with the television's lead-in to news about the war. We have become the greatest nation of the world.Political leaders at all levels, and even the US President, have continually used this issue to build support for their own political careers. Unfortunately, political leaders are not immu ne to the negative impact of this issue. The press paints politicians in a very negative light.The media outlets that report and criticize politicians tend to do so with a partisan slant. On the other hand, a number of celebrities have come out in support of the cause. Social issues can make or break a politician.Another famous example of social issues is the sex crimes committed by famous people against children. In this case, we are talking about the deaths of little children or the sexual abuse of little children. The impact on these children's lives is difficult to measure.One of the more famous examples of this is John Edwards, who ran for President. He was forced to resign from the governorship due to allegations of an affair with his mistress. Though he was removed from office, he is still a celebrity in the public eye.The impact of the former president's actions on the election of his successor is difficult to determine without having a detailed knowledge of how the electora l system works. We may never know how the outcome of this particular story would have changed. In fact, it is possible that it would have been even worse if Edwards had won.

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